Lake Nakuru, Kenya | John Seach


Lake Nakuru is a located in the central Kenyan Rift Valley. The lake is famous for the pink flamingoes which are found in large numbers.

Lake Nakuru National Park is home to a large amount of wildlife, including rare white rhinos.


Lake Nakuru

Further reading
Maskall, J.E. and Thornton, I., 1989. The mineral status of Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya: a reconnaissance survey. African journal of ecology27(3), pp.191-200.

Jirsa, F., Gruber, M., Stojanovic, A., Omondi, S.O., Mader, D., Körner, W. and Schagerl, M., 2013. Major and trace element geochemistry of Lake Bogoria and Lake Nakuru, Kenya, during extreme draught. Geochemistry73(3), pp.275-282.

Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya

Lake Magadi Lake Bogoria
Lake Naivasha Lake Baringo
Lake Elementeita Lake Logipi
Lake Nakuru Lake Turkana