Lake Naivasha, Kenya | John Seach


Lake Naivasha is located in the central Kenyan Rift Valley. It the highest of the Kenyan Valley lakes. The western side of the lake contains some extinct volcanic craters and Ndabibi escarpment.

Features of the lake include, Crescent island, Rima islands, Hippo point, Green crater lake, and Oloiden lake.

Numerous flower farms surround the lake. Hells Gate National Park is located south of the lake.

Further reading
Macdonald, R., Davies, G.R., Bliss, C.M., Leat, P.T., Bailey, D.K. and Smith, R.L., 1987. Geochemistry of high-silica peralkaline rhyolites, Naivasha, Kenya Rift Valley. Journal of Petrology28(6), pp.979-1008.

Clarke, M.C., 1990. Geological, Volcanological and Hydrogeological Controls on the Occurrence of Geothermal Activity in the Area Surrounding Lake Naivasha, Kenya: With Coloured 1: 250 000 Geological Maps. Ministry of Energy.

Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya

Lake Magadi Lake Bogoria
Lake Naivasha Lake Baringo
Lake Elementeita Lake Logipi
Lake Nakuru Lake Turkana