Lake Logipi, Kenya | John Seach


Lake Logipi is a located in the northern Kenyan Rift Valley. It is a minor lake in the Suguta Valley, south of Lake Turkana.

The lake was explored in 1888 and reported by Cavendish.

"It lies about 30 miles south from Lake Rudolf. Its shores are very barren, entirely enclosed by mountains, and there are three islands, apparently quite barren near the east shore. It is fed by two rivers. What water there was in this lake was exceedingly hot, and near to the north end, where a smouldering volcano was situated, was just as hot as one would like to wash one's hands in. This volcano I propose to call, after my companion, Andrew Volcano."

Further reading
Castanier, S., Bernet-Rollande, M.C., Maurin, A. and Perthuisot, J.P., 1993. Effects of microbial activity on the hydrochemistry and sedimentology of Lake Logipi, Kenya. In Saline Lakes V (pp. 99-112). Springer, Dordrecht.

Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya

Lake Magadi Lake Bogoria
Lake Naivasha Lake Baringo
Lake Elementeita Lake Logipi
Lake Nakuru Lake Turkana