Lake Elementeita, Kenya | John Seach


Lake Elementeita is a small lake located in the central Kenyan Rift Valley. The lake is shallow, alkaline, and contains numerous bird species. The lake varies depth, and has not outlet.

Further reading
Mwaura, F., 1999. A spatio-chemical survey of hydrogeothermal springs in Lake Elementaita, Kenya. International Journal of Salt Lake Research8(2), pp.127-138.

Washbourn-Kamau, C.K., 1971. Late Quaternary lakes in the Nakuru-Elmenteita basin, Kenya. Geographical Journal, pp.522-535.

Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya

Lake Magadi Lake Bogoria
Lake Naivasha Lake Baringo
Lake Elementeita Lake Logipi
Lake Nakuru Lake Turkana