Zavaritsky Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

53.905 N, 158.385 E
summit elevation 1567 m

Note: There is a volcano with a similar name called "Zavaritzki" in the Kurile Islands, Russia.

Zavaritsky Volcano is located in eastern Kamchatka. It is composed of six cinder cones and an explosion crater at the head of Levaya Avacha River. Berezovy cinder cone to the NW erupted about 11,000 to 10,000 years ago.

2016 Earthquake
On 30th January a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit with an epicentre 14 km NE of Zavaritsky Volcano.

Further reading
TOMKEIEFF, S., 1961. Kamchatka-Kuriles Volcanoes. Science Progress (1933-), 49(196), pp.641-650.

Zavaritsky Volcano Eruptions

3000-2500 years ago, 11000-10000 years ago.