Uzon Volcano | John Seach


Uzon Caldera and Valley of Geysers
Kamchatka, Russia

54.50 N, 159.97 E
summit elevation 1617 m

Uzon Volcano is located in eastern Kamchatka. The volcano contains the largest geothermal area in Kamchatka. Uzon and Geyzernaya calderas contain boiling springs, gas-steam jets, mudpots, small mud volcanoes, hot and cold lakes.

Uzon Caldera and Valley of Geysers are assocoated with the WNW trending Uzon-geyser volcano-tectonic depression.

Valley of Geysers
This is the second largest collection of geysers in the world. The 6 km long basin contains ninety geysers and many hot springs.

2007 Mudflow
On 3rd June 2007 a large mudflow affected two thirds of the Valley of Geysers. The mud-stone avalanche descended along Vodopadnyi Stream bed into Geiyzernaya
River. The debris avalanche stopped only in one meter from Visitors Center Building of Kronotskiy Reserve. The flow rate reached 30-40 km/hour. Several beautiful geysers were lost forever. A picturesque lake has been formed as a result of the avalanche. The dam lake is 2 km long and about 20 m deep.

2002-03 Inflation
Satellite data showed Uzon caldera inflated by 15 cm.

Velikan Geyser maintains stable activity cycling with an average time period 372 min (31 July 2007 - 6 July 2008), slightly exceeding time period before landslide - 339 min.
Bolshoy Geyser maintained activity with average time period 64-84 min during Sept 2007 - May 2008.

Further reading
Semenkov, I. N., et al. "The variability of soils and vegetation of hydrothermal fields in the Valley of Geysers at Kamchatka Peninsula." Scientific reports 11.1 (2021): 1-22.

Lundgren, P. and Lu, Z., 2006. Inflation model of Uzon caldera, Kamchatka, constrained by satellite radar interferometry observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(6).

Belousov, V. I., E. N. Grib, and V. L. Leonov. "The geological setting of the hydrothermal systems in the Geysers Valley and Uzon caldera." Volcanol. Seismol 5 (1984): 67-81.

Uzon Volcano Eruptions

5700 BC ± 50 years