Piip Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

55.42 N, 167.33 E
summit elevation -300 m
Submarine volcano

The volcano is located 68 km off the east coast of Ostrov Beringa, 330 km off the east coast of Kamchatka.

"Black smoker" vents on the crater floor emit gases.

Further reading
Astakhov, A.S., Ivanov, M.V. and Li, B.Y., 2011. Hydrochemical and atmochemical mercury dispersion zones over hydrothermal vents of the submarine Piip Volcano in the Bering Sea. Oceanology, 51(5), pp.826-835.

Yogodzinski, G. M., et al. "Magnesian andesites and the subduction component in a strongly calc-alkaline series at Piip Volcano, far western Aleutians." Journal of Petrology 35.1 (1994): 163-204.

Piip Volcano Eruptions

5050 BC?