Macauley Volcano | John Seach


Kermadec Islands, SW Pacific

30.20 S, 178.47 W
summit elevation 238 m

Macauley Island is located 950 km NE of Auckland and is the second largest in the Kermadec group. It measures 3 sq km is area, and is the exposed summit of a mostly submarine volcano. Volume of the volcano is 380 sq km at the 900 m depth.

Macauley island consists mostly of a rolling meadow, about 100 m above sea level. The land rises sharply northwards to the summit at Mt Haszard, 238 m altitude. Perpendicular Cliff lies west of the summit.

Young phreatic explosion craters are present in the south of the island. These are shallow saucer-shaped depressions up to 6 m in diameter. A major caldera collapse is evident in the north to northwest of the island.

A submarine eruption was reported 22 km NNE of Macauley Island on 1st December 1887.

Tsunami hazard
Eruptions of Macauley volcano pose a tsunami threat to north island of New Zealand.

Underwater Sulphur Lake
The summit crater of the Macauley Cone is located inside the eastern rim of the 10 km-wide Macauley Caldera, located west of Macauley Island. The cone contain an underwater sulphur lake.

Further Reading
De Ronde, C.E.J., et al. 2015. Molten sulfur lakes of intraoceanic arc volcanoes. In Volcanic lakes (pp. 261-288). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Lloyd, E.F., Nathan, S., Smith, I.E.M. and Stewart, R.B., 1996. Volcanic history of Macauley Island, Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 39(2), pp.295-308.

Macauley Volcano Eruptions