Kronotsky Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

54.753 N, 160.527 E
summit elevation 3528 m

Kronotsky is one of the most perfectly shaped stratovolcanoes in the world. It is located east of Lake Kronotsky, the largest in Kamchatka. There are several cinder cones at the base of the volcano. Lower slopes of the volcano are covered with dense vegetation making access difficult.

Kronotsky volcano has an absolute height of 3528 m, and a relative height of 3100 m. The volcano has a classic stratovolcano shape and is considered even more scenic than Mt Fuji in Japan. The summit is covered by a star-shaped glacier.

The base of Kronotsky is 16 km in diameter and the volcano contains a volume of 200 sq km. The volcano volume is 207 cubic km.

1997 Earthquake
On 5th December 1997 a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred at Cape Kronotsky, Kamchatka Peninsula. Foreshocks occurred on 3rd December 1997, 46 hr before the mainshock. The mainshock occurred at the southern end of the foreshock area at the depth of 10 km. Most aftershocks were located within 100 km of the mainshock epicenter.

Kronotsky Volcano Eruptions

1923 - black smoke on the southern slope
1922 - flames at the summit and low rumble