Fedotych Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

57.13 N, 160.40 E
summit elevation 965 m
Shield volcano

Fedotych volcano is located in central Kamchatka. It is one of the lowest volcanoes of the Sredinny Range.

Eruption fissures and associated lava flows are located WNW of the volcano. The volcano is located 20 km east of the crest of the central Sredinny Range.

Further reading
Ogorodov N V, Kozhemyaka N N, Vazheevskaya A A, Ogorodov A S, 1972. Volcanoes and the Quaternary Volcanism of the Sredinny Ridge in Kamchatka. Moscow: Nauka Pub, 190 p

Fedotych Volcano Eruptions

No recent eruptions.