Paramushir Island, Kurile Islands, Russia
50.68 N, 156.02 E
summit elevation 1037 m
somma volcano
Ebeko volcano is located in northern Paramushir Island, Kurile Islands.
Ebeko is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kurile Islands. The volcano contains three summit craters. A cold lake is located in the middle crater, a hot lake is in the lower northern crater. Numerous solfataras occur on the floors of the craters and on the outer slopes of the cone.
Temperatures, Hydrogen and CO contents and S/C,
S/Cl, F/Cl and H2S/SO2 ratios
become a maximum during the eruptive period. These can be used to
predict eruptive activity. It is hypothesised that there is a
sea-water aquifer above the shallow magma chamber at Ebeko
volcano. Magmatic eruptions ascend to the surface through the
2016-2021 Eruptions
Eruptions continue at Ebeko volcano in 2021. An eruption of Ebeko volcano occurred on 1 January 2020.
Ash reached an altitude of 9000 ft. Explosions occurred at Ebeko volcano on 18, and 21-22 March 2018.
Ash reached 5900 ft altitude.
2009 Eruption
An eruption of Ebeko volcano occurred at 09:59 hr (local time) on
27th October 2009. Ash drifted rapidly eastwards.
2005 Eruptions
An eruption occurred at Ebeko volcano on 29th January 2005 from a
vent on the NE side of the active crater. A yellow gray ash column
rose 300 m above the crater. A 7 x 12 m diameter turquoise lake
disappeared from the crater on 30th January. On 15-16 February a
dark-gray column rose up to 500 m above the crater.
1989-90 Eruptions
An eruption began from the north crater on 3rd February 1989. Ash
was ejected to a height of 2.5 km. In August and September ash
reached a height of 800 m above the crater.
1987-88 Eruptions
Explosive eruptions began at Ebeko Volcano on 14th October 1987,
and continued until January 1988. Eruption occurred at two of the
three summit craters. Ash was emitted up to 1200 m above the
1969 Eruption
Gas emission was observed in 1969.
1967 Eruption
A phreatic eruption occurred from the northern crater in February
1967. A funnel was formed on the floor of the crater and andesitic
ash was emitted.
1963 Eruption
The eruption was accompanied by gas emission from the funnel-like
vent on the
eastern slope of the volcano, and sulphur flows. Gremuchaya
solfatara formed after the 1963
1934-35 Eruptions
The eruption occurred from the middle crater and erupted andesitic
ash and bombs.
Further reading
Kalacheva, E., Taran, Y., Kotenko, T., Hattori, K., Kotenko, L. and Solis-Pichardo, G., 2016. Volcano–hydrothermal system of Ebeko volcano, Paramushir, Kuril Islands: Geochemistry and solute fluxes of magmatic chlorine and sulfur. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 310, pp.118-131.
Kotenko, T.A. and Kotenko, L.V., 2007. Increased activity on Ebeko Volcano, Paramushir I., North Kurils in 2005–2006. Journal of Volcanology and Seismology, 1(5), pp.285-295.
Melekestsev, I.V., Dvigalo, V.N., Kirianov, V.Y., Kurbatov, A.V. and Nesmachnyi, I.A., 1994. Ebeko volcano, Kuril Islands: eruptive history and potential volcanic hazards. Part I.
2016-21, 2010, 2009, 2005, 1991, 1989-90, 1987-88, 1971, 1969, 1967, 1965-66, 1963, 1934-35, 1859, 1793