Kurile Islands, Russia
46.522 N, 150.866 E
summit elevation 742 m
Chirpoi Volcano is located in the central Kurile Islands, Russia. The volcano consists of an 8-9 km wide, partially submerged caldera.
Brat Chirpoev Island is located 2.5 km Se of Chirpoi, and forms the southern edge of the caldera.
2013 Activity
Satellite images showed a hotspot at the volcano on
8th January 2013.
2012 Activity
A steam plume was visible on a satellite image at Chirpoi volcano on 11 November 2012. There was no evidence of an eruption.
1982 Eruption
On 22nd November 1982, observers on a passing ship noted an eruption cloud over the island.
1982, 1960, 1879, 1857, 1854, 1811, 1790, 1712