St. Catherine Volcano | John Seach



12.15 N,  61.67 W
summit elevation 840 m

St. Catherine volcano is located on Grenada, Caribbean. The volcano contains maars, tuff rings, and scoria cones. The most recent eruption at the volcano occurred at a scoria cone near Radix village in the past 1000 years. Hot springs and fumaroles are active at the volcano.

Further reading
Thirlwall, M.F. and Graham, A.M., 1984. Evolution of high-Ca, high-Sr C-series basalts from Grenada, Lesser Antilles: the effects of intra-crustal contamination. Journal of the Geological Society141(3), pp.427-445.

Arculus, R.J., 1976. Geology and geochemistry of the alkali basalt—andesite association of Grenada, Lesser Antilles island arc. Geological Society of America Bulletin87(4), pp.612-624.

St. Catherine Volcano Eruptions

Eruptions in the past 1000 years.