Akhtang Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

55.43  N, 158.65  E
summit elevation 1956 m
Shield volcano

Akhtang Volcano is located in central Kamchatka, between the Bolshaya Kimitina and Kozyrevka rivers. Lava flows have extended from a chain of a chain of cones.

Further reading
Volynets, A. O., et al. "Stages of volcanic activity on the southeastern flank of the Sredinny Range (Kamchatka): age, geochemistry, and isotopic characteristics of volcanic rocks of the Akhtang and Kostina mountain massifs." Russian Geology and Geophysics 61.7 (2020): 700-714.

Akhtang Volcano Eruptions

No recent eruptions.