Tinguiririca Volcano | John Seach



34.814 S, 70.352 W
summit elevation 4280 m

Tinguiririca Volcano is located in central Chile. The volcano contains ten scoria cones. Fumaroles are present on the NW wall of the summit crater. Solfatara are located on western flanks.

The eruption in 1917 was possibly phreatic. There was an un confirmed eruption in 1994.

Further reading
Giambiagi, L., et al. "Geomechanical model for a seismically active geothermal field: Insights from the Tinguiririca volcanic-hydrothermal system." Geoscience Frontiers 10.6 (2019): 2117-2133.

Pavez, C., et al. "Characterization of the hydrothermal system of the Tinguiririca Volcanic Complex, Central Chile, using structural geology and passive seismic tomography." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 310 (2016): 107-117.

Tinguiririca Volcano Eruptions

1994?, 1917