San Miguel Volcano - John Seach


El Salvador

13.434 N, 88.269 W
summit elevation 2130 m

Note: There is a volcanic island in Azores, Portugal called San Miguel.

San Miguel volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in El Salvador. The volcano is an isolated cone in eastern El Salvador, SW of the town of San Miguel with a population more than 150,000. The volcano is basaltic and is associated with Central American graben.

Historic eruptions at San Miguel volcano have been VEI 1-2. All eruptions since 1867 have occurred at the summit. Previously flank eruptions occurred.

2016 Activity
A pilot reported volcanic ash 8000 ft altitude on 12th January 2016.

2013-14 Eruption
An eruption of San Miguel began on 29th December 2013. Ash emissions reached 32,000 ft altitude.

2002 Eruptions
Gas and steam emissions were visible at the volcano on 16th January 2002. Emissions reached a few hundred meters above the summit crater.

2000 and 2001 Lahars
On 26th August 2000 a lahar from San Miguel damaged houses and a highway north of the volcano. Another lahar on 6th September 2001 damaged a road.

1997 Eruptions
Minor ash emissions occurred at the end of December 1997.

1995 Eruptions
A small ash eruption occurred on 23rd March 1995. This followed a sharp rise in seismicity in January and February.

San Miguel Volcano Eruptions

2016, 2013-14, 2002, 1997, 1995, 1985-86, 1976-77, 1970, 1967, 1966, 1966, 1964, 1954, 1939, 1936?, 1931, 1930, 1929, 1919-20, 1890-91, 1884, 1882, 1867-68, 1862, 1857, 1855, 1854?, 1844-48, 1819, 1811?, 1798?, 1787, 1769, 1762, 1699, 1510.