Sakar Volcano | John Seach


Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

5.414 S, 148.094 E
summit elevation 992 m

Sakar volcano is located 36 km west of Cape Gloucester on the west coast of New Britain, and 17.5 km NNE of Rooke Island. The island is 9.6 km from north to south, and 8 km east to west. The volcano is regarded as dormant.

In 1878 there was a mention of an eruption by Powell in a book titled "Wanderings in a Wild Country", but residents of the island have no record of an eruption. There are hot springs along the SW coast, and possible solfatara activity on NW edge of the crater lake.

Sakar Island has been associated with large debris avalanches. A large field of blocks extends 10 km north of the island, and covers 30 sq km. Small avalanches have occurred recently.

2009 Activity
A possible eruption plume was observed at Sakar volcano on 19th September 2009. Plume extended 90 nautical miles NW of the volcano. No emissions visible on satellite images. The eruption has not been confirmed. The emissions are thin, and may be ash, steam, or smoke. There has been no historical eruption at the volcano.

Further reading
Taylor, G.A.M., 1953. Notes on Ritter, Sakar, Umboi and Long Island Volcanoes. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Record43.

Sakar Volcano Eruptions


Old lava flows are visible at Sakar indicating eruptions within the past 10,000 years.