Onikobe Volcano | John Seach


Honshu, Japan

38.830 N, 140.695 E
summit elevation 769 m

Onikobe volcano is located in northern Honshu. Takahinata lava dome erupted about 350,000 years ago. Geysers and hot springs are located in the caldera.

Further Reading
Nakajima, J. and Hasegawa, A., 2003. Tomographic imaging of seismic velocity structure in and around the Onikobe volcanic area, northeastern Japan: implications for fluid distribution. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 127(1-2), pp.1-18.

Murayama, I., 1969. Quaternary Volcanic Ashes in the Narugo and Onikobe Volcanic Areas. The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), 8(3), pp.101-107.

Onikobe Volcano Eruptions

200,000 years ago.