Nyamaji Volcano | John Seach



0.491 S, 34.401 E
summit elevation 1445 m
Complex volcano

Nyamaji Volcano is a small eruptive complex in western Kenya between the larger volcanic structures of Kisingiri and Homa Mountain.

Nyamaji is considered a satellite volcano to the major volcanic structure of Kisingiri - Rangwa volcano 25 km to the west.

Nyamaji hill stands about 300 m (1000 feet) above the surrounding plains of the Wasaki peninsula, near the eastern shores of Lake Victoria. About 60 dykes have been mapped, and the longest was traced for nearly three km.

Nyamaji volcano is composed of agglomerates, breccias and tuffs erupted from a central vent, and lavas were extruded from fissures. The central vent was formed by Strombolian eruptions, which is 330 m deep and covers an area of 1 sq km. Pyroclastic rocks from Vulcanian eruption cover 30 sq km and are 25 m deep.

Further reading
Lippard, S.J., 1973. The petrology of phonolites from the Kenya Rift. Lithos6(3), pp.217-234.

Nyamaji Volcano Eruptions

Late Miocene eruptions