Norikura Volcano | John Seach


Honshu, Japan

36.12 N, 137.55 E
summit elevation 3026 m

Norikura Volcano is located in central Honshu. It is the third highest volcano in Japan.

Further Reading
Anazawa, K. and Ohmori, H., 2005. The hydrochemistry of surface waters in Andesitic Volcanic area, Norikura volcano, central Japan. Chemosphere, 59(5), pp.605-615.

Kaneko, T., 1995. Geochemistry of Quaternary basaltic lavas in the Norikura area, central Japan: Influence of the subcontinental upper mantle on the trace elements and Sr isotope compositions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 64(1-2), pp.61-82.

Norikura Volcano Eruptions

The last eruption at Norikura volcano occurred at the summit crater Ichino-ike about 10,000 years ago.