Sumatra, Indonesia
1.478 N, 99.209 E
summit elevation 1862 m
Lubukraya volcano is located in northern Sumatra, 12 km NW of Padang Sidempuan, a city of 180,000 people. Padang Sidempuan is the capital of South Tapanuli Regency. Lubukraya volcano is dissected by deep valleys on the southern side. It has a broad crater breached to the south, and a lava dome at the southern base. Two peaks next to the volcano are Gunung Lubuk Raja, and Dolok Lubukraya.
Further reading
Neumann van Padang, M., 1951. Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes of the World, Including Solfatara Fields, Indonesia.
Possible Holocene eruptions of Lubukraya Volcano.