East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea
4.92 S, 151.158 E
summit elevation 858 m
Lolobau Island is located 6.5 km off the coast of New Britain. The island is 13.7 km long (east-west) and 9.7 km wide (north-south).
The volcano consists of a sunken caldera (6 km wide), occupied by lake Namoi. Siwi and Malo are eruption cones located midway between Giwu and Lolobau mountains. Lolobau crater is occupied by a secondary cone of pumice known as Hulu, which rises 30 m above the crater floor. Solfatara activity decreased between 1937 and 1950.
Further reading
Johnson, R.W., 1970. Likuruanga volcano, Lolobau Island, and associated volcanic centres, New Britain: Geology and petrology. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.
1100 (Hulu), 1904 (Sili, Malo), 1908?, 1911 (Sili).