4.82 N, 75.37 W
summit elevation 4950 m
Shield volcano
Note: A volcano with the same name is located in Equatorial Guinea.
Santa Isabel Volcano is located in NW Colombia, 9 km SSW of Nevado del Ruiz volcano. A lava dome is located about 10 km SW of the volcano.
Laguna Verde (75°21´W, 4°49´N) is a medium-sized lake (900 m long and 400 m wide) with an oval shape, located at an elevation of 4300 m, 2 km northeast of Santa Isabel Volcano, inside Los Nevados National Park.
The lake ecosystem has been classified as Subalpine Rain Páramo. Low temperatures (3º to 6°C), annual rainfall of 1000–1500 mm, high humidity and strong winds characterize the climate in this zone. During 2000 birds were killed at the lake due to toxic levels of ammonium salts.
Further reading
Monterroso-Tobar, Mario Fernando, Jhon Makario Londoño-Bonilla, and Sergey Samsonov. "Determination of glacier retreat at Nevado del Ruiz, Santa Isabel and Tolima volcanoes, Colombia through optical image and Din-SAR." Dyna 85.206 (2018): 329-337.
No recent eruptions.