0.0258 N, 78.183 W
summit elevation 4609 m
Compound volcano
Imbabura volcano is located in the Interandean valley 60 km north of Quito, Ecuador.
Eruptions at Imbabura volcano consisted of pyroclastic flows that extended northeast of the cone. A dome collapse of Huarmi Imbabura about 8000 years ago generated an avalanche that caused a large seiche in San Pablo lake, located at the western base of this volcano.
Further reading
Andrade, S.D., de Vries, B.V.W. and Robin, C., 2019. Imbabura volcano (Ecuador): The influence of dipping-substrata on the structural development of composite volcanoes during strike-slip faulting. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 385, pp.68-80.
5550 BC ± 500 years