Fergusson Island, Milne Bay Province,
Papua New Guinea
9.52 S, 150.53 E
summit elevation 200 m
lava domes
Iamelele volcano is located inland from Seymour Bay in the west of Fergusson Island, Papua New Guinea.
Iamelele Volcano contains lava domes and geothermal areas, with boiling springs, mud pools, and fumaroles. The thermal area is made up of at least six solfatara trending in a NNW direction for 4.5 miles.
Further reading
Mitchell, P.A., 1989. Geology, hydrothermal alteration and geochemistry of the Iamalele (D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea) and Wairakei (North Island, New Zealand) geothermal areas.
Fumarolic activity.