Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
4.813 N, 96.82 E
summit elevation 2885 m
Also called Bur Ni Telong or Bur ni Geureudong.
Geureudong volcano is located 17 km northwest of Takengon , the capital city of Central Aceh. Older volcanic centres nearby are Geureundong in the north, Salah Nama in the south and Pepanji in the east. The largest of five craters has a diameter of 500 m. Solfatara are found at the summit and fumaroles and hot springs at the base.
2013 Earthquake
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit 16 km SW of
Geureudong volcano on 2nd July 2013.
Further reading
Putri, D.R., Hutapea, A.B.C. and Ismail, N., 2016. Gravity Studies On Bur Ni Geureudong Geothermal Area. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Unsyiah.
1937, 1924, 1919, 1856, 1839, 1837.