Garove Volcano | John Seach


Witu Islands, West New Britain Province,
Papua New Guinea

4.692 S, 149.5 E
summit elevation 368 m

Garove is the largest of the Witu Islands, located 40 miles (65 km) north of New Britain Island in the Bismarck Sea. The group, has a total land area of 45 square miles (117 square km), and includes the main islands Garove ( 26 square miles), Unea (11 square miles), and Mundua (2 square miles), as well as five smaller islands. Garove island has a 5 km wide caldera which is open to the sea in the south. The island contains solfatara field and thermal areas.

2023 Earthquake
On 01 March 2023 a magnitude 6.5 earthquake hit 12 km south of Garove island. The focus was very deep at 599 km.  

Further reading
Edwards, L.R., Hergt, J.M. and Woodhead, J.D., 2006. Garove Island: Degree of melting and melt modification processes in the New Britain Arc. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta70(18), pp.1-1.

Johnson, R.W. and Arculus, R.J., 1978. Volcanic rocks of the Witu Islands, Papua New Guinea: The origin of magmas above the deepest part of the New Britain Benioff zone. Bulletin Volcanologique41(4), pp.609-655.

Garove Volcano Eruptions

There is no recorded eruptions. Basalt, pumice, lapilli and volcanic bombs are present on the island.