Coso Volcano | John Seach


California, USA

36.03 N, 117.82 W
summit elevation 2400 m
Lava domes

Coso volcano is located 200 km north of Los Angeles, California, east of the Sierra Nevada Range. The volcano consists of 38 domes and lava flows which contain obsidian. Volcanic rock covers an area of 400 sq km.

The volcano bounded by the Sierra Nevada on the west, Owens Valley on the north, the Argus Range on the east, and Indian Wells Valley on the south.

1992 Seismic swarm
A seismic swarm occurred at Coso volcano between 17-26 February 1992.

Eruptions at Coso Volcano
Eruptions over the past 4 million years have produced 35 cubic km of products. Eruptions occurred at Volcano Peak basaltic cinder cone at least 33,000 years ago. There is some evidence that eruption may have occurred in the past 10,000 years based on  geomorphological evidence from a lava dome.

Coso Geothermal System
Geothermal activity is located in an ENE trending zone between Sugarloaf Mountain and Coso Hot Springs.
Coso Hot Springs contains fumaroles and intermittently active thermal springs.
Fumaroles at Devils Kitchen and the adjacent Nicol area are located in part of a pyroclastic explosion ring surrounding a rhyolite dome.

Further Reading
Bacon, C.R., 1982. Time-predictable bimodal volcanism in the Coso Range, California. Geology, 10(2), pp.65-69.

Bacon, C.R., Macdonald, R., Smith, R.L. and Baedecker, P.A., 1981. Pleistocene high-silica rhyolites of the Coso volcanic field, Inyo County, California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 86(B11), pp.10223-10241.

Duffield, W.A., Bacon, C.R. and Dalrymple, G.B., 1980. Late Cenozoic volcanism, geochronology, and structure of the Coso range, Inyo County, California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 85(B5), pp.2381-2404.

Coso Volcano Eruptions

No recent eruptions.