Cleveland Volcano - John Seach


Chuginadak Island,
Aleutian Islands, Alaska

52.82 N, 169.95 W
summit elevation 1730 m

Cleveland volcano is located on the western half of Chuginadak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. It is one of the most active volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands. Cleveland is situated 1525 km southwest of Anchorage.

The base of the cone is approximately 8 km across at sea level, with a subareal volume of 29 cubic km.

2018 Activity
A small explosion occurred at Cleveland volcano on 21st February 2018.

2014 Activity
Small explosions were detected at Cleveland volcano at various times in 2014.

2009 Eruption
A small explosion occurred at Cleveland volcano on 25th June. Ash reach a height of 15,000 ft above sea level. A brief eruption of Cleveland Volcano, Alaska, occurred at 2330 hr (local time) on 2nd October 2009. A small ash cloud reached an altitude of 6.1 km, and drifted northeast 600 km before dispersing over the Bering Sea. There is no seismic network monitoring Cleveland volcano, so short-lived explosions and ash plumes may not be detected.

2008 Eruption
An eruption occurred at Cleveland Volcano in Alaska on 21st July 2008. Ash emissions reached 20,000 ft altitude on 22nd July and extended 50 km ESE.

2007 Eruption
An eruption occurred at the volcano in early August 2007 with ejecta visible from an aircraft on the summit and slopes. In February 2008 an eruption sent ash to 20,000 ft altitude.

2006 Eruptions
Short duration explosions occurred at Cleveland volcano on 6th February 2006, 23rd May 2006, 24th August and 28th October 2006.

2005 Eruptions
Small eruptions occurred at the volcano between June-October 2005.

2001 Eruption
On 19th February 2001 Celveland volcano erupted explosively for 8 hours. An ash cloud reached an altitude of 12 km. The eruption cloud extended in two directions, 40 km northwest and 60 km southeast of the volcano. Ash drifted for 7 h before falling at the town of Nikolski, 75 km northeast of the volcano. Mt. Cleveland erupted explosively again on 11th March. The eruption was smaller than the 19th February event, and lasted 3 hours. Ash reached an altitude of 8 km. On 13th March after 42 hours the ash cloud extended 1000 km towards Kodiak Island. The last explosive eruption occurred on 19th March, and produced an ash cloud to a height of 9 km.

1994 Eruption
A single ash eruption occurred at Cleveland volcano on 25th May. Ash reached an altitude of 10.5 km.

1987 Eruptions
Cleveland volcano erupted on 19th June 1987 with ash emissions visible to a height of 2500 m, and extended 50 km SE of the volcano. On 23rd June a narrow lava flow extended down the ESE slope and ponded at the base of the volcano. Between 6th and 10th August incandescent lava and summit glow was observed from a plane.

1986 Eruptions
On 28th April, an ash plume was observed to an altitude of 2,900 m. On 27th May eruptive activity was observed from a boat 30 km east of Cleveland volcano. Incandescent tephra was ejected above the crater, and a lava flow extended from the crater at least 100 m down the SE flank.

1985 Eruption
A plume with small amounts of ash were visible at the volcano on 10th December 1985.

Cleveland Volcano Eruptions

2016-2018, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2005-09, 2001, 1994, 1989?, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1975, 1953?, 1951?, 1944, 1938, 1932,1929?, 1897, 1893