Buckland Volcano - John Seach


Central Queensland, Australia

25.23 S, 148.50 E
Lava-field province
Extinct volcano

Buckland Volcano is located SW of Rolleston in central Queensland. The volcano is perched on the Great Dividing Range and covers an area of 15,000 sq km. The southern extent of the volcanic province is located in the Carnarvon Gorge National Park.

The western part of the province is located at Mt Tabor.

Further Reading
Skae, A., 1998. The petrology of the Buckland volcanic province, Central Queensland, Australia (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford).

Crossingham, T.J., Ubide, T., Vasconcelos, P.M., Knesel, K.M. and Mallmann, G., 2018. Temporal constraints on magma generation and differentiation in a continental volcano: Buckland, eastern Australia. Lithos302, pp.341-358.

Buckland Volcano Eruptions

27 million years ago.