Brushy Butte Volcano | John Seach


California, USA

41.178 N, 121.443 W
summit elevation 1174 m
Shield volcano

Brushy Butte Volcano is located in northern California. The volcano contains pyroclastic cones and lava flows. It is located between Lassen Peak and Medicine Lake.

The volcano is located east of Timbered Crater, which is a tuff ring located at 41.172 N, 121.491 W.

Further Reading
Downs, D.T., Champion, D.E., Clynne, M.A. and Muffler, L.J., 2021. A Multidisciplinary Investigation Into the Eruptive Style, Processes, and Duration of a Cascades Back-Arc Tholeiitic Basalt: A Case Study of the Brushy Butte Flow Field, Northern California, United States. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, p.101.

Brushy Butte Volcano Eruptions

24,000 years ago.