10.75 N, 12.00 E
summit elevation 910 m
Volcanic field
Biu Volcano is located in NE Nigeria. The volcanic field sits at the NE end of the Benue trough. The trough is related to the
separation of Africa from South America.
The trough runs from the Niger delta to the Chad basin, and is filled with folded Cretaceous sediments and scarce volcanic rocks with a maximum total thickness of 5500 m. The Benue trough runs parallel to the Cameroon line, which is a tectonic fault stretching from Sao Tome and Principe to Nigeria.
Cinder cones and lava flows are located on the Biu Plateau. Eruptions have been dated at 840,000 years ago.
Further reading
Obaje, N.G., 2009. Geology and mineral resources of Nigeria (Vol. 120). Springer.
No recent eruptions.