Baluan Volcano | John Seach


Admiralty Islands, Manus Province,
Papua New Guinea

2.57 S, 147.28 E
summit elevation 254 m

Baluan Island is located south of Manus Island. It is the southernmost and
largest single volcano in St Andrew Strait. In contrast to Lou and Tuluman
Islands, acid rocks seem to be absent from Baluan; only basalts have been found there. Warm springs occur along the coast.

Baluan is densely wooded and roughly circular. The island is surrounded by reef. The centre of the island has an oval shaped crater 1 km x 0.5 km in diameter. The crater floor is vegetated. The island is largely covered by rainforest, and rock outcrops are common only at the coast.

Further reading
Johnson, R.W. and Smith, I.E., 1974. Volcanoes and rocks of St Andrew Strait, Papua New Guinea. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia21(3), pp.333-351.

Baluan Volcano Eruptions

Possible eruption of Baluan volcano in 1931 from a submarine vent.