Aragatsotn Province, Armenia
40.55 N, 44.12 E
summit elevation 4090 m
Aragats volcano is located 48 km NNW of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Mt Aragats is the highest mountain in Armenia. The mountain has 4 peaks around the volcanic crater. North (4090m), West (4080m), South (3879m) and East (3916m).
Lake Kari is located at an elevation of 3250 m. It is part of the Aragats protected area which protects alpine flora around the Kari Lake and the adjacent grassland of Mt Aragats between 3250-3350 m altitude.
The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP) is situated in the northwestern part of the Ararat depression, near the southern foothills of Mt Aragats.
Aragats volcano contains a 13 km long line of craters and tephra cones stretching in a west-southwesterly direction.
Mt Aragats may have erupted in the past 10,000 years.