Kamojang Volcano | John Seach


West Java, Indonesia

7.125 S, 107.80 E
summit elevation 1730 m

Kawah Kamojang Volcano is located 30 km SE of Bandung, west Java, Indonesia. The volcano is 1.2 km long and 100-700 m wide. No recent eruptions have occurred at the volcano. Fumarole fields and mud wells are present. Periods of increased thermal activity have ejected mud to a height of several metres.

Further reading
Hochstein, M.P., 1976. Geophysical exploration of the Kawah Kamojang geothermal field, West Java. In Proc. of the 2nd Symposium on the development and use of geothermal resources (San Fransisco) (pp. 1049-1058).

Kamojang Volcano Eruptions

Geothermal activity.